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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's Almost My Birthday (& Giveaway)

**Comments are now closed. The winner will be announced soon!**

Quilt Shopper

We know this little guy loves fabric {he tried to do quite a bit of fabric shopping at the quilt shop on Monday}, so I'm asking him to get me some for my birthday, because it's coming up this month!  I actually don't mind getting older {yet}, because each year seems to just bring better and better things {sure, we have little interruptions, but overall, life is good!}.  And what better way to share the good life with all our lovely readers, than to give you a chance to win a birthday gift too!

Win these!

We partnered with Sew Lux Fabric & Gifts to bring you a pattern and fabric giveaway last month, and in exchange, they're now sponsoring this giveaway with these five lovely fat quarters of Tea Garden by Dena for Free Spirit and your own copy of the Jane bag pdf sewing pattern {which includes directions for using fat quarters}! If you want to win, just leave a comment about your favorite birthday memory, here's mine:

Probably my favorite birthday memory is the year I got married, since I was on my honeymoon during my birthday.  Just spending a lovely day with my sweet new husband was unforgettable.  Oh, and we got a free lunch and then a free desert too, when asked what we were celebrating.

For a bonus entry, follow our blog and leave a second comment to let us know you do. {You must either have your e-mail in your profile or leave it in your comment to be eligible to win.  Click here for details.} You have until next Monday, March 14, at midnight EDT to enter, and then we'll draw a winner. And, on the 15th will be our next Stash Project link up and giveaway, so make sure you've been using your stash so you can join in the fun. Good luck!


  1. My favorite birthday was when my first baby was 7 months old and we took her to the beach.

  2. My favourite birthday was 10 years ago when my husband surprised me with a gift of 2 cows!!

  3. My favorite birthday memory is the chocolate chip cheesecake my mom made for me that lasted for daaaays. Mmm.

  4. My favorite birthday memory is when my daughter was old enough to "make" things and she made me a present - she was so proud of herself and so cute!

  5. Hmm, it's not a memory of *MY* birthday, but this past October we decided to celebrate my new son's one week "birthday". I, still recovering, was still in my jammies in bed with my son, and my husband and parents came in singing happy birthday with a lil cupcake and all. (Which he thoroughly enjoyed second hand ;) ). We got the whole thing on video. Was a special moment for me.

  6. Not sure if you only meant this for new follower (if so, feel free to delete this), but I am already a follower. :)

  7. And I'm a follower--thanks for the chance to win!

  8. I remember we were on vacation one year in RI on my birthday...sun, sand, beach house, family...it was terrific!

  9. I am a faithful follower -- you post it I read it:)

  10. My 18th was one of my best - just before high school graduation, anticipating college, etc.

  11. My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 30, I was going through a rough time and a friend pulled together an awesome suprise party.

  12. My favorite birthday memory was when my children were small my husband would line up a baby sitter, then we went out for dinner and clothing shopping. (this was an annual event)
    We took our kids with us everywhere -- this was a special treat.

  13. My favorite birthday was turning 30 - I remember thinking (SOOOOO long ago now!) "hey, now I can finally be and act my age at the same time" and "hey, now that I'm 30 people will take me seriously"
    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! my favorite thing about this is how much I laugh everytime I think about how even at 30 I knew so little!!

  14. And I've been a follower for awhile now - thanks!!

  15. This is quite difficult because I have had so many!! I remember my 50th birthday party, lots of family and friends celebrated with me. Last year we had arranged to fly over to the UK to celebrate with family and friends, but we ended up being a week late because of the volcano that erupted in Iceland, what an excuse to miss my own birthday bash!!...we made up for it though the following week. Thanks for the chance to win. Linda

  16. My favourite birthday memory is that my mother even brought a Schwarzwäldertorte to my birthdayparty in the mountains: This was so great and such a surprise!

  17. Thanks for a second chance being a follower! Have a happy birthday!

  18. Favorite birthday memory... probably the last one before my mom died - 16th.

  19. My favorite birthday memory is a recent one- 2 birthdays ago was my first birthday as a married gal, and my Super Amazing Husband bought me a Viking Emerald 203 sewing machine for my birthday to replace a nearly-broken El Cheapo machine. He saw the potential in my fabric love, and has been such a support as I journey along through one quilt adventure after another. (He bought me a Go! fabric cutter this last birthday... I see a theme!)
    Thanks for the chance to share in the happiness.
    Happy birthday to you!!!!!

  20. My favorite birthday memory was when I was a little girl, and I got a lot of Barbies that year, two of them were the same, so I had twin barbies... :) That year we also made Tweety birds out of yellow balloons, and I had a tweety cake. All thanks to my mom! :)

  21. And I am a follower as well. :) Thanks for doing the giveaway, and happy almost birthday!

  22. One of my favorite B-day memories is my 18th. My boyfriend at the time bought me a beautiful heart-shaped necklace with 9 sapphires and 9 diamonds within it. I was so surprised! I wore it for years without taking it off. I guess that's one of the reasons I married him. :)

  23. I am already a follower! Love your stash projects. Hope to participate soon.

  24. My favorite birthday memory was the year my fiance and his family threw my party and all of us danced and danced until the wee hours, loads of fun!


    Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. I am a loyal follower.


  26. I wish you a fab birthday! I have had some lovely ones, but the recent ones that I spend with my Mother are precious, as she is into her 80's now. I will be celebrating again next month. :)

  27. Happy birthday! My birthday is definitely my favorite day of the year :) One of my favorite birthdays was my first married birthday. We'd been married for just about 2 months, and my husband was so sweet. :)

  28. I'm a march baby too! My birthday was yesterday!! :o)

    My favorite Birthday memory is well just being able to spend time with family and friends every year. It's so much fun... :)

    And also, the fact that I ruined my 1st birthday party (my golden birthday!) by touching the candle on my cupcake...ugh!

  29. happy birthday!
    my best memory was when I was a child and we used to invite all the kids from our street, in the summer house we had. It's in August and I could never invite my school friends around, cause nobody was there... till, I had a great time.

  30. I'm a follower, of your lovely blog which I really like!

  31. I don't have a specific memory with a story but I remember vividly birthdays as a little girl, all dressed up in fancy clothes, with decorations up, waiting anxiously for friends to arrive for my party!!
    radharas at yahoo dot com

  32. Love your blog! And I'm a follower :)
    radharas at yahoo dot com

  33. Happy birthday!! My favorite birthday memory is my mom doing something special with us, alone, on our birthdays when I was a kid. Usually I chose going out to breakfast for a Belgian Waffle with strawberries, and I remember going to the bookstore one year and picking out what I wanted. Lots of fun. :-)

  34. My favorite birthday is when my grandparents took me out to eat & shopping when I turned 13. We had a lot of fun.

  35. Happy Birthday!! My favorite birthday memory was a surprise party my husband threw for my 40th birthday. I was so surprised and all my close family and friends came out to celebrate with me.

  36. I'm already a follower of your blog.

    Happy Birthday!

  37. Oh, and I have been a follower for some time. I love your blog. (and what a sweet little guy you have there!!)

  38. I took the day off work to go shopping all by myself. When I reached home in the evening, I opened the door - it was dark except for a glow from a candle. My husband and kid had a cake waiting for me! My first birthday cake.

  39. Hmm...i don't really have a favorite birthday. Maybe when I was 16 and my mom surprised me with my first ever surprise bday party. She decorated my dad's work shop and had all my friends there.I had absolutely no clue until I walked in the door.

  40. My favorite birthday memory would have to be going to a New Kids on the Block concert! Ha ha! I was in the 5th grade, I think!

  41. My favorite birthday was when I turned 13, the riding stable I worked at (since 8) presented me with my first horse. That gift kept giving as he took me all the way to the Olympic trials years later.

  42. I loved my 8th birthday. It was my last birthday at our house in the town (before we moved out to the farm) so it was the last year I had a realy party with lots of kids invited (no one wants to drive miles and miles to get to your house in the country). It was so fantastic! But it was right before we moved so it was a little bittersweet.

  43. I can't remember a specific birthday but when I was a little girl my parents always took me to see "Ice Capades" (like Disney on Ice)for my birthday and my mother always made me a red velvet cake. Thanks for a chance.

  44. I am a follower. Thanks again.

  45. That has to be one of the sweetest photos I have ever seen! My favorite birthday memory is of the year my husband gave me a microwave, after I pouted for 3 days that he didnt get it for me for Christmas. (My birthday is on Dec 28) He always makes a bigger deal about my birthday.

  46. I am already a follower, I love your blog.

  47. My favorite birthday memory was 7 years ago we moved into our new house with a new baby...yeah felt like I was on top of the world.

  48. We spent my 50th birthday at a Friday's in Gatlinburg on our way home from our son's wedding weekend. In the same year we celebrated our 35th anniversary. Good year!

  49. Happy almost birthday! My favorite memory is somewhat similar to yours, except that my birthday was four days before my wedding :) It was wonderful because we had all the family gathered from around the world which will likely never happen again, so it was really special to celebrate with everyone :)

  50. My favorite birthday memory is from when I was twelve and I got to invite my all the girls from my class to our house for a party!

  51. My favorite was my 5th birthday party which was a grand one with family & friends :D
    Thanks for the chance!

  52. My favorite birthday memory is really a birthday tradition. My mother would make an angel food cake every year. Some years she'd top it with strawberries; other years, if my birthday fell close to Easter, she'd make little "nests" with coconut she'd tinted green, and fill the nests with tiny jellybeans. Uncharacteristically whimsical. Thanks for prompting such sweet memories.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  53. My Birthday is on Christmas Day and as a child I didn't really have a birthday cake because there was alway Christmas cake, pudding ans mince pies. For my 18th Birthday imagine my surprise when Mum brought out a cake. There was pink icing, red roses, ribbons, candles - all so unusual at Christmas! A very special memory.

  54. I have become a follower and will enjoy following your blog. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

  55. My birthdays haven't been that great but today is my 8th anniversary and last year at this time my husband bought me a queen quilter - that ranks pretty high.

  56. My favorite birthday memory is my mom and dad taking ME only me (I have 6 other brothers and sisters) out to dinner for my birthday. We didn't eat out often, but this for me was a special thing. I chose Red Lobster because I wanted my parents to enjoy it.. (I hate seafood). Thank goodness they had something on the menu that I did like!

  57. Well, Happy Birthday, and apparently Happy Anniversary as well! What a lovely combination, and how generous to GIVE a gift! My favorite birthday memory is my 40th birthday, when my husband "kidnapped" me and took me to a bed and breakfast to celebrate. He'd taken off work for two days, looked at my calendar and cancelled my students, and had child care for the kids taken care of. Totally unexpected, and a fantastic gift.


  58. Last year my bithday was especially sweet; my husband and children spoiled with many gifts - more than usual as my husband bought gifts for the kids to give me and they didn't know and also bought gifts with their own pocket money :) We had a terrific evening together.
    Thanks for the chance and happy birthday to you!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  59. I'm a follower!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  60. My little brothers birthday is the day after mine so we always had joint celebrations. My favorite was the year I got to invite all the girls in my class and we dressed up and played table games without any boys around.

  61. My favorite was one year when I was squirreled away in the basement of our tiny rental house typing (and retyping) my husband's chemistry doctoral dissertation, and my best friend brought me a small chocolate cake that she had baked for me. (You can tell how many years ago that was since it was pre-word processing.)

  62. I was just telling my partner about my 8th birthday...we had a magician come to the house and my mom made invitations that looks like top hats and then you pulled on the ears of a rabbit and it came out of the hat. It was very fun.

  63. I'm a new follower!

  64. I have no favorite birthday memories....smile.

  65. Happy birthday! All birthdays are special, but no one memory stands out!





  68. It's hard to say what my favorite birthday is or was so I guess it would be all as I do celebrate at least all month! Thanks KatheGTN at aol dot com

  69. When each of his daughter's turned nine, our dad took us on a special father/daughter 'date' to a local VERY fancy restaurant. This is a long time ago, I remember my little dress, white gloves, hat, and new patent leather shoes well. The restaurant had a trout pond and you could net your own fish for dinner, which impressed me a lot!

  70. My favorite birthday was when I was 7 years old and had a neighborhood party with Zippy the Clown! Happy birthday to you! May this be your most memorable one!!

  71. my favorite birthday was when I was 8, my mother threw me a tea party birthday. Everyone dressed in their finest, she put my favorite flowers on the table, my favorite color, Everything was just LOVELY!

  72. One of my favorite birthdays was when I turned 50 and my husband and kids took me on a surprise hot air balloon ride! Fun!
    thanks and happy birthday!

  73. I am a follower! thanks again!

  74. My favorite birthday moemory was in 1979 the day before I got married....yep my birthday and anniversary are one day apart.

  75. Well I do follow you and I spelt memory wrong oop's. Oh well have a great day.

  76. All my birthdays are great! Spending time with family and a day where I NEVER feel guilty for not cooking or cleaning! Can't wait to read your blog, and happy birthday.

  77. if i don't win the bag pattern, i think i'll buy it. it's sooo nice

  78. I had been engaged to my husband for about 6 months. My birthday is a week before Christmas and 2 weeks before our anniversary. It was our first together. He got me the cutest cake and a bouquet of flowers.

  79. My favorite birthday memory would be the birthday I spent with friends playing games till 3 in the morning. Good Times!!

  80. My favorite birthday memory is the party my mom and older sister threw for my 8th birthday. As I was walking home from elementary school that day, a mean boy started hassling me. I sternly told him that he couldn't ruin my day because I was on my way home to celebrate my birthday with my friends!

  81. I am a new follower. Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!

  82. I have 3 favorite birthdays. They are the 3 times my 2 sisters surprised me by showing up for my birthday. They live far away so those 3 times were sooooooooooo special.

  83. My favorite Birthday memory is from High school. I don't remember which year but I remember that feeling like "I'm so cool I don't need any fuss over my birthday", but I woke up that morning and my parents had snuck in the night leaving me pint glasses filled with my favorite candies, all along my dresser. It made me feel like such a kid again, I loved it!

  84. One of my favorite birthday memories was last year when I rebelled against being born in Feb. and had a birthday party at the beach in June.

  85. Happy birthday! I'm a follower

  86. My BFF and my daughter surprised me with a 50th birthday party. I was willing to let this one pass, but they invited a lot of my old friends and we had a wonderful day. Thanks for the giveaway :-)

  87. And now I am a new follower ;-D

  88. Hope you have a wonderful birthday....

  89. I love the way the little guy thinks... I am a fabric lover too!! PS I am a new follower - thanks for this very sweet giveaway.

  90. A favorite birthday memory was the year I turned 10 or 11 and my mother had brought home a huge stainless steel bowl (used for a potato salad from a New Year's Dance) and we used this bowl as a spinning saucer - it was a blast! My friends still mention this party 30+ years later!!

  91. For my 21st birthday my mom, an aunt & I went to the horse races. They happened to be having a drawing that day for a trip to California that included airfare, accomodations, the whole package. My mom, who had never flown, won the trip, but swore she couldn't get on a plane. My Dad may have had to push her on, but she went and they had a great time. She died unexpectedly several years later without ever taking another plane trip. I'm so glad she had that opportunity and like to think that maybe my birthday brought us luck that day!

  92. One of my favorite birthday memories was my 50th b'day ~ when my friends threw me a "Birthday Shower"! They had me register for gifts and they even made a party game all about me! lol I had to wear a feather boa & a red sequined ball cap all day too!

  93. My favorite birthday memory was over 34 years ago when, my second daughter was born on my Birthday. She has continued to be such a joy in my life! Thanks for the giveaway! quiltexas@gmail.com

  94. All my birthdays are memorable and fun.

  95. I am a follower of your blog! and I really enjoy it! quiltexas@gmail.com

  96. My 23rd birthday was my first birthday after I got married. We were very poor college students. I mentioned that I needed some new socks but it would have to wait until pay day. My husband surprised me with new socks for a birthday present. That's all I got that year because that's all we could afford but we still talk and joke about it.

  97. I'm a new follower ~

  98. My favorite birthday was my last one (my 40th). My husband got me the Single Girl quilt pattern that I had been wanting for a long time but never got myself. He also got me a bunch of fabric that I wanted. Plus, he got me small birthday cake made specially for me. It was a great birthday.

  99. My last birthday was a lovely one, with a surprise picnic brunch and a visit to a museum.
    Your fabrics in the giveaway are just what I need-young and bright. Thanks very much.

  100. I'm already a follower-thanks for sharing.

  101. I had always lived in Augusta, Georgia. But in 2001, I accepted a job in Europe, knowing I would immediately be assigned to a position in possibly Kosovo or Hungary. I left Augusta on tax day (Apr 15th) for Germany, and on May 3rd, I was working in Kosovo. My 47th birthday was on May 9th. I had always dreamed of visiting Europe, and had never in my wildest dreams thought I would be LIVING there. So my 47th birthday will always remain my most favorite! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  102. I'm a follower. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  103. I got a doll for my 9th birthday that I had wanted to have for three years. I still remember being so happy and taking her with me everywhere I went.
    I think that never again have I wanted something so bad like that doll, which btw still lives with me 20 years after :)

  104. My favorite birthday memory was the year my husband and I were engaged. He went to Hong Kong for a week and was gone during my birthday, so he left me something for each day he was gone...it was more like a birthday week! My sister in law gave me something from him each day. It was so sweet. :)That was 15 years ago!

  105. The birthday I cherish most was two years ago when I turned 50. It wasn't that we did anything special - it was just a family meal with the three kids and their spouses. But since then my second son has fallen away from the family; he won't speak to any of us. So that day has become a treasured memory, and I pray that it will happen again someday.
    On a lighter note, what a doll in that picture! I know you will have a SUPER happy day!
    Jacque in SC

  106. I'm a follower of your wonderful blog!
    Jacque in SC

  107. When I was five years old, I got a little sister for my birthday. I thought that was pretty exciting.

  108. I think one of my favorite birthdays would be my very last one-- just a few days ago-- when I turned the BIG 5-0! It has been so much fun-- everyone spoiled me rotten for the whole week!!! I want to turn 50 every year, now! ;-)

  109. And, I am now a follower! :-) I look forward to seeing all the projects you share!! By the way, what an adorable little shopping helper! Precious! :-)

  110. My favorite memory is when my husband planned a surprise white water rafting trip on my birthday for the family. I was scared to death!! But it was all low key and not dangerous at all.

  111. My favourite birthday is any one spent with my kids and hubby. It didn't happen this year - I'm hoping for next.

  112. I'm still waiting for my favorite Birthday memory but the hubs always gives me a birthday week!

  113. One of my top birthday memories was when I turned 40. My 14 yo DD painted "Happy 40th Birthday Rhonda" from our 2nd floor deck. While that is special it made even more "special" that we live in the center of town with population 210 so the birthday wishes came for about a week. Gotta love your kids.

  114. My favorite birthday moment was the day after my birthday when I came home from ER hospitalization during my birthday and the kids had put cards, flowers and presents on my bed. I totally forgot my ordeal of the last 2 days at that moment.

  115. My favorite birthday has to be the one time both sides of my family put aside differences and we all had a huge party on my birthday! If only it could happen all the time.


  116. I am following your lovely blog.

  117. My favorite birthday was in 1990. I turned 25 and got married the next day. I'm still marries to the man of my dreams and have two wonderful kids.

  118. I'm a follower of your lovely blog.

  119. One of my favourite birthday memories is my 10th birthday when my gift was a bicycle that I had been wishing for. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to you.

  120. My favorite b'day is always the last one. My brother hosted a pre-Halloween party for little kids on my birthday and it was so much fun for all of us. Happy Birthday and Anniversary!

  121. My favorite birthday memory is my 24th birthday. My hubby suprised me with a flower delivery of a 24 flower bouquet sent from a flower shop to me at work. Thanks for a chance to win!

  122. I am a follower of your blog. :)

  123. I follow Clover and Violet. alternate email mlwright29 (at)hotmail (dot)com

  124. This year is actually my favorite! I had the flu for a week before my birthday (not my favorite part). We're about to move to a new place, so my hub spent the week I was sick getting pictures & letters from all of my friends and making a scrapbook for me. He even had to go to the scrapbook store and buy all of the embellishments! I kept asking him which of our neighbors helped him. It was beautifully done and really showed me a lot of love. Now, I have a party in a book to take with me when we move. The best!

    Thanks for the chance to enter!

  125. Forgot my e-mail in the entry above! I'll leave it in this comment & also tell you that I'm a new follower!


  126. My favorite birthday memory is when my husband and kids baked me a cake- and surprised me


  127. following your blog-jenniferb


  128. My favorite birthday memory is when I was 9 or 10 and my mother finally relented and let me have someone other than family over to celebrate. I invited about 5 friends and it snowed so much we had to keep them for a sleepover! (That was not planned). It was great!

  129. I am lucky enough to stay home, shuttle my children around and follow my passions!

  130. Happy birthday! My favorite birthday memory is the year my best friend and I both turned 30 (within a few weeks of each other), so to celebrate, we rented an asian restaurant/club and threw ourselves a birthday prom party! Birthdays are that much better when you share them with someone else :)

  131. Happy blogiversary! My favourite birthday would be about 20 years ago when my husband proposed to me over my birthday dinner.

  132. My favourite birthday memory was my 16th - I went ice skating with all of my friends! Awesome :)

  133. I already follow this blog. Thank you for holding this give away :)

  134. The first birthday the year we were married my husband got olive garden take out & we went to a romantic cottage for the night & the next day he took me shopping!

  135. My favorite birthday happened the year after I had to have brain surgery - because I had survived the surgery!

  136. my favorite birthday memory is finding out i was pregnant with my first boy on my 32 birthday.

  137. My favorite memory is that my grandmother would make me my favorite cake every year. She called it a ribbon cake. It was 2 round layers of white cake and 1 layer of yellow cake with lemon filling between the layers. Then frosted with a whipped homemade frosting and covered with coconut. She made that for me every year I can remember. She died when I was in 9th grade.

  138. My favorite recent birthday was when I turned 31... my husband's uncle came in from Panama and brought my favorite chocolate from Bocas del Toro... he bought every bar in the store!

  139. I am now a follower. My favorite birthday memory is my 16th birthday party in our garage. All my friends were there and we had a blast.

  140. One of my favorite birthday memories was when I turned 5. We lived in New Jersey, and my birthday is in October, and it was a beautiful sunny fall day and I played Red Rover, Red Rover with all my friends running through the leaves. It was so fun and I was very happy!

  141. New follower too. I just love the bags in your header! Wow!

  142. I love any birthday spent with my family!

  143. My favourite birthday memory is being surprised in class by classmates by having cake and finding out that our male friend wanted to bake the cake for me. Lucky for me, my girlfriend spared me by baking a wonderful cake. It was a very happy surprise. This would make another great birthday surprise too. :)

  144. I've been a follower for a bit now.

  145. My favorite birthday memory is when my hubby picked flowers from the yard and cleaned the entire house before I got home from work :)

  146. Fave birthday was last year celebrating the birth of our fourth child two years after my husband had a vasectomy, for real. Our fourth and only boy is a joy and the best present anyone could EVER ask for even if it wasn't the plan:)

  147. My favorite birthday memory was this past December when we went to dinner as a family with my 5 month old son and watched him flirt with the waitress before my eyes... I thought yep, just like daddy! <3

  148. I'm a follower :)

  149. I love the fabrics, they are so beautiful. And as far as birthdays go...age is a state of mind. It does get better with age. I'm 61 and feel like I'm in my 30's. I would take my Grandkids to the quilt store with me and they always picked out the best fabric. Thanks for the giveaway and hope your birthday is a good one. Hugs

  150. Happy Birthday! (and anniversary!)


  151. My last birthday was wonderful. I was given a diaper-free, cook-free,clean-free pass. No diapers, no cooking, no cleaning for the entire day. No way! Yep! It was great. However,reality hit hard the next day :)
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  152. I am a follower. Thank you for coordinating this giveaway even during your move down the street.
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com
