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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Finding {a little} Time

I've blogged before about balance before, and it's still something I'm working on.  As anyone with little children can attest, doing anything while being a mom can be challenging.  Here's what I'm really learning: take it slow and plan small.  This little skirt for example, it took me about three days to make it.

There was once a time I could have whipped this skirt up in an afternoon, plus some!  But, these days, I have to work when I have time.  When kids are napping, playing by themselves {or watching dvds}, I sneak over to the sewing machine and sew a few stitches.  So far, having the sewing room in the family room has worked out great.

As these two grow I'm enjoying every moment with them, and also finding a little more time to get my projects done too.  Besides, fabric and projects aren't going anywhere, but these two little ones are getting bigger every day {Norah is now 3-months-old!}.


  1. You're doing great! I started out with twins and didn't get back into crafting until they were 3 1/2 and their baby brother was 18 mos. Your two are adorable!

  2. Norah looks darling in her new skirt! Jennie, I don't have kids and usually it takes me a ridiculously long time to finish projects (just finished the backing for my Embroidery 101 quilt in fact!). :) Your plan to take in slow and plan small seems to be good advice.

  3. as the mama of a four month old and almost three year old I could have written this post word for word! :) Cute skirt! I've been meaning for a couple months to get one for my babe done...

  4. Cuddly and cute...kids and quilts! You're doing very well to keep up. I stopped sewing and crafting for several years after my first.

  5. Wow, I can't believe she's three months old already! It goes too fast. I love Norah's little skirt, and I know just what you mean about finding time. I'm still working on finding my own time!

  6. Oh, my goodness! they are adorable. I bet you want to kiss and squeeze them all the time.

  7. Love the pics of your adorable children. And the skirt is SO cute!
    Enjoy this time --- they grow up way too fast. You can never get these
    precious days back.

  8. You have it right. Children first - projects in odd moments. Sounds like sewing in the family room allows you to keep an eye on all the activity.

  9. I am so there right now too! My second youngest is 3 and plays really well when I'm in the same room with her so I'm happy that my sewing space is right next to the playroom :) Cute skirt and beautiful kids!

  10. Your children are so cute, I love the skirt and matching headband! I remember those busy days, but now my girls are 10 and 7 and they are crafting with me!! Or at school during the day, so there will be lots of time before you know it- downside is that means they are growing up!


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Jennie & Clara