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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Magazine Rack: American Patchwork & Quilting

Better Homes & Gardens (BHG) is a lot more than a single magazine these days.  They offer a variety of specialty magazines on variety of subjects from simple home makeovers to quilting.  The June 2009 edition of American Patchwork & Quilting is becoming a fast favorite for both of us.  We've both looked through it several times, found inspiration, and are planning projects.  There are a wide variety of quilt patterns, from beginner to advanced (each is also labled with a skill level) and some great tips, suggestions, and techniques as well.  There is an inspiring interview with Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs along with photos of her beautiful studio, home, and quilts.  Visit All People Quilt for a preview of this and other BHG quilting magazines, as well as online projects, instructions, tips, and much more.

1 comment:

  1. I've started a crafting twibe http://www.twibes.com/group/crafters

    I'd love to have you join! I'm trying to get a cross section of various crafters. I'm a paper crafter, but would love to learn to sew and quilt. I bet there are others like me who would like to learn a new hobby that is why I am creating this twibe.

    Please join. It is very new, this is why I am sending out personal invitations. I want to get a variety of crafters in one place that we can get ideas for projects, news or just share thoughts.

    Thanks for reading.
    - Marie


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Jennie & Clara