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Friday, August 28, 2009

Blueberry Mornings and a Project

I'm not a morning person...at least not a motivated morning person.  I wake up {almost} every morning with Josiah, just because I would really become a night owl if I didn't, but I never seem to get much accomplished in those early hours {by early I mean anything before 11am}.  Wishful thinking would have me busy sewing or cleaning my house, but reality finds me drinking lemonade, eating blueberries {my new favorite food this summer}, checking e-mail, browsing Etsy, reading blogs, and blogging.

Yet, I've come to accept this routine and have grown fond of my morning hours.  I like the relaxed feel, and slow start to the day, it somehow makes it last longer.  I wish it meant I spent less time being unproductive during the rest of the day, but maybe in time it will

One benefit to spending my mornings in this manner {at my computer} is I've gotten to learn a little more about computers.  I took an HTML class in high school {eight years ago?!} and have completely fallen out of practice.  However, the internet is a wonderful resource, it's allowed me to relearn some of the old things and learn some new {I adjusted this blog's layout myself - now if only I can learn how to design my own graphics}. 

This morning I created a new page for this blog: a blogroll.  I like to have the titles of the blogs displayed so I know if I've read one before or not, but that made my blogroll stretch too far down the page.  Instead, you can now click on the link below the header and be directed to a page of blogs, which include snippets of new items too.  I hope this is a good change!


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Jennie & Clara