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Monday, September 14, 2009

Cider Mill

We have a nearby cider mill that is open seasonally each year. Somehow, we made it through three years without ever knowing it existed. Last year we happened upon it on our way out of town, I'd been told the name but had no idea where it was located. It instantly became an almost weekly stop for the few months it is open. Not only do they make great cider {and the flavor changes over the season with the apples too}, but the warm cinnamon doughnuts, local cheese curd, and maple syrup make it worthwhile.

We always wander around back and take a peek at the waterfall too {it was a saw mill over a hundred years ago}. Sadly, we've had some dry weather over the past few weeks, and the waterfall was pretty dry {Josiah filled me in that many of the streams around here are rain or lake fed, not glacier fed like the ones back home, that is why they may dry up from time to time, who knew?}, just a trickle was all that remained. Hopefully the much needed rain will bring the waterfall back to life too.

However, as often happens when I'm in a hurry, I completely forgot to bring the camera, so instead here is a photo from last year. Yum, I think I may just have to get a glass of cider right now.

1 comment:

  1. oh, that sounds so yummy! I wonder if there are any in my area...I'll have to search!


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