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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

City Life

We spent the holiday weekend here:

Our few days were filled with:
So, needless to say it was a busy weekend and we crammed as much stuff into it as we possibly could.  Even though this was our fifth trip to the city since living in New York, we had somehow missed most of the "touristy" stuff, so it was a great chance to catch things we hadn't seen.  I'm planning on a couple more detailed posts with photos and anecdotes, but for now I'm exhausted, my house looks like a tornado hit, and I'm behind on some projects.  See what disappearing for four days does?


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment! It really brightens our day. We try to respond to your questions if your e-mail is available either in your profile or your comment.

Jennie & Clara