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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Party Favor Bags

I decided to make reusable favor bags for the First Birthday Party, that way the bags themselves can be part of the favor {most the little kids I know love putting stuff in bags!}. I used solid Kona for these bags, and then appliqued a little tower on each one. The bags are a little bit wonky in shape, to make them more fun.

To make your own you need:

  • fat quarter or quarter yard for bag
  • scraps for towers
  • scraps Heat n Bond lite
  • coordinating thread
  • hand sewing needle
Cut your fat quarter into two 7" x 19" rectangles and two 2" x 20" strips, then set aside.

From your scraps cut one 3" x 4" rectangle for body and one triangle that measures 3 1/4" across by 3" tall. Cut matching shapes out of Heat n Bond Lite.  Following the manufacturers directions, fuse to tower pieces.

Fold one of your bag pieces in half and position tower pieces onto the right side of the fabric. Fuse in place and stitch around the raw edges using a satin stitch, zig zag, or blanket stitch.

Fold both bag pieces in half, right sides together, and stitch a 1/2" seam allowance along the sides. Leave a 2" opening on one of the inside pieces to turn bag with. Press the side seams open.

To create box corners, fold each point out on the wrong side and measure 1" from point. With a fabric marker, draw a straight line and sew along line. Repeat for all corners.  Set bag body aside.

To make handles trim the remaining pieces of your fat quarter to 2" wide for two 2" x 20" pieces. Sew, right sides together, along long seam.

Turn right side out, press, and top stitch at 1/8". Cut into two 9" lengths for handles.

Pin and stitch handles to the right side of the outside of your bag. With raw edges together.  With the inside of your bag turned wrong side out, layer bags with right sides together.

Sew around top opening of bag. Using the opening left in the lining bag, turn bag right side out. Hand stitch the opening closed, push lining into bag, and top stitch around the top of bag.

These cute little bags go together in no time, and make a great addition to any party! Stuff with your favorite party favors and you're set.  Check back on Monday for the last few party ideas and a recap!

Note:  This pattern is for personal use only, not for resale or commercial use.


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Jennie & Clara