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Friday, April 15, 2011

14/52 :: Bouncing Ball

We woke up the other morning to a big blue ball in our little fenced yard.  It turned out to be a little boy's dream come true!  Trying to capture a picture of the busy little boy playing with it was a little more difficult than I imagined, but he was having fun!  Needless to say, a bouncy ball is on the shopping list.


  1. They are almost the same size!

    What FUN!

  2. So cute! And yes, about the same size. :)

  3. Wow, Auntie Hannah got Tony the exact same ball and he really enjoyed playing with it this last weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

  4. Hi Jennie & Clara!
    I was reading your post on changing to a .com so I did that with my blog. It went from sewnwithgrace.blogspot.com to sewnwithgrace.com in the process I lost my blogroll of the blogs I love, oops, where did they go? Did this happen to you?


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Jennie & Clara