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Monday, August 8, 2011

Favorite Code Changes (Part 2)

Well, it took me a while, but here are my next set of favorite Blogger code changes {if you missed Part 1, check it out here}.  Since writing the first post in this series, I have converted my blog over to the new Blogger templates.  I'll admit, it was kind of a pain, but I'm really pleased I took the time because now I have access to more features without having to individually input them all.

However, as usual, there are always things that still need to be tweaked!  Before you get started working on any of these changes, remember that, before editing your code, you will want to save your  template, that way if it doesn't work, you don't lose all your other work!

1.  Add "reply to comment".  While not as great as the reply feature on some other blogging platforms, it does the job!

The following are my favorite changes for within your actual blog post.  To implement these, go to the HTML option for your post after you have started composing it.

2.  Open links in a new window.  Add the code target="new" next to the link.

3.  Change a photo to a custom size.

As you know, Blogger allows you to choose between a few photo sizes for your post.

However, with a little HTML tweaking, you can size your images to any size that suits you!  These are the values you are going to change {sorry the images are so tiny...I couldn't make them any larger!}:

First, in the photo title {for a medium sized photo} is "s320".  If you are making your photo larger, change this number to something like "s1000".  If you are making the photo smaller, choose a number like "s150".  I usually use the same number as the finished width {for example, I size my photos to 630px, so I write "s630"}.  Change the width to the width you'd like your photo to appear {for example, I'd type "width="630""}.  Then remove the "height" value completely {so your photo isn't distorted.  You final code will look something like this:

I hope these couple tips will also enhance your blogging experience.  And if there is anything you'd like to know how to do, please let me know!


  1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! I have been wanting to be able to comment to my commentors for a while. I made those changes and it worked!! thanks a bunch!!!

  2. Another awesome set of hacks...thank you so so much!!!!!


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Jennie & Clara