We've moved to our new blog!  Please update your readers to our new feed:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Randoms & Winners (finally!)

Because I'm a little crazy {or ambitious?}, I've started a new blog, in addition to this one.  It just seems that since this blog is so lovingly dedicated to quilting, sewing, and embroidery, to expand it would really take away the focus.  Instead, you can now find me also writing at click. snap. swoosh. laugh. a couple times a week.  So, if you enjoy blog tips and design, photography, or just randomness...pay me a visit!

In other news, I've finally drawn winners for December's stash project:

And the winners from the Ruby market tote {and take a minute to check out the beautiful bags!}:

All the winners have been e-mailed - and thanks everyone for your continued patience...I have no idea why I always forget to draw the winners!


  1. I ended up doing the same thing a couple of years ago. I was trying to do quilting and thrifting on the same blog and it was pretty hard keeping up. So now I have my quilting blog, and my thrifting/Tea blog. You can visit me there too.


  2. I'm new here, so I'm excited to see all your cool stuff & I will check out your new blog as well! :)

  3. Oh..thank you!! First time I win something online and excited to try the pattern.


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Jennie & Clara