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Monday, October 26, 2009

Baby Project: Dress

After over a week without a single post, I'm back!  I thought I'd start the week with sharing one of the projects I've been working on.  I spotted a dress in a magazine over the summer, and just had to have it.  It didn't take long for me to pick up the pattern or order the fabric, but both sat in my sewing room for months.  I was able to finish it in time to wear it in Florida though.  So, here's my finished dress:

I have only worn it once so far {and I think it needs to be hemmed, in my rush I didn't think of the actual length, and at 5'2", most things could use some length taken off...}, but hope to get a few more uses out of it before the snow sets in {if not, there's always next summer}.  This is my best attempt at self-photography...so you get an idea of how it fits:

Although I don't think it was intended to be a maternity dress, it seems to work perfectly.  Now you have a little peek into the handmade side of my wardrobe {remember my skirt from my earlier post? I actually ordered the maternity style and love it!}.  It is getting difficult to hide my expanding waistline, and I thought this dress would be an excellent way to share the good news.  Here's a full length version...I definitly think I'll take it up a few inches...

I'm also aiming to share one new project a week for my baby, so you get a little bit of an idea what I've been so busy with!


  1. That dress looks fabulous, and so do you! I'm amazed at your talent, and glad we're in the pregnant club together.

    Much love,

  2. Ooh how exciting!
    That is one lovely dress, and it'll look even better a few inches shorter. =] I really love the colours in it.

    Florrie x

  3. Beautiful! I love the fabric!
    You look wonderful by the way! Hope you are feeling well!!!

  4. I love this dress! You are so talented :)


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Jennie & Clara